Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Swing your partner

Swing your partner and do-say-do.  The children are learning square dance steps in physical education class.  They will be ready to dance at the Fall Festival!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Miss Connie has a great class!

Miss Connie's wonderful kindergarten children.

K beginnings

Hooray!  Our kindergarten class has begun!  The children have arrived with huge smiles and look so ready for K class in their uniforms.  We have had our first p.e. class, Spanish class, music class, and written our first letter in cursive (a kite-string letter, i ). The children have been assigned their first homework: memorize their first Bible verse (Romans 3:23) and practice writing their names in cursive. The children have been doing their work despite the thunderous pounding from above.  I told the children that the elephants of The Heiskell School had arrived.  For several days the elephants returned and we heard the thunder above our room. We raced upstairs to find that the elephants were just Miss Judy's Pre-K children exercising in their room.  We fed them carrots and have not heard the elephants any more.