Tuesday, November 2, 2010

We Celebrated "G" Week with Green Eggs and Ham

Thank you Miss Pat for inviting the kindergarten children to your class for Green Eggs and Ham.
We began the morning by reading Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Jonah and the Runaway Prophet


We had a wonderful opportunity to see a puppet show right at school.
The children took part in the show by holding the props
 as we learned about the story of Jonah and the Whale.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Spanish is Fun with Senora Tanner

The children look forward to Tuesday mornings
when they join Miss Kathy's Class for a fun
Spanish lesson with Senora Tanner.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Mila's story (Operation Christmas Child 2010)

Our school is participating in Operation Christmas Child this year.  This is a ministry of Franklin Graham and Samaritan's Purse.  Your child has been given instructions on how to pack a shoebox.  What a great opportunity for your kindergarten child and your family to take part in this ministry.  Shoeboxes reach all over the globe, and the Gospel message of Jesus Christ is shared with the children.

Boxes are due at school by October 29, 2010.  Make this a family event, and you will be blessed.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Parents come to K class

Dear Parents,

Tuesday night (October 12) is your chance to go back to kindergarten with your child's teacher.  Come to the kindergarten workshop for parents from 6:00-7:00 p.m. The teachers will teach reading, writing, and math to you just like they are teaching your child. It is your opportunity to see what your child is expected to learn and some of the fun ways that we teach. It will also be good preparation for our upcoming conferences because you will be more "in the know".

Monday, October 4, 2010

Come to the Fall Festival Y'all

Miss Connie and her class invite you to the square dance at the Fall Festival.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Tricycle Brigade

Our kindergarten children are in charge of moving the tricycles out to the playground each morning. (It is one of those "jobs" they are learning to do.)  The children are eager to participate because they ride the trikes out on the playground to their parking places much like the cars in the Indy 500 lining up for the start of a race. At playground time, there is another opportunity to ride and the children love to have a turn.  Riding the trikes has been a popular activity since they were introduced a few years ago.  Miss Cyndie remembered trike riding as a routine in the early days of the Heiskell School (The tricycles were parked in the present day art classroom.) and knew of the benefits to developing bodies and minds. We teachers are delighted to see our children developing balance, coordination, and muscle strength while just having fun. Who knows if someday we will have some graduates in the Indy 500?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Swing your partner

Swing your partner and do-say-do.  The children are learning square dance steps in physical education class.  They will be ready to dance at the Fall Festival!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Miss Connie has a great class!

Miss Connie's wonderful kindergarten children.

K beginnings

Hooray!  Our kindergarten class has begun!  The children have arrived with huge smiles and look so ready for K class in their uniforms.  We have had our first p.e. class, Spanish class, music class, and written our first letter in cursive (a kite-string letter, i ). The children have been assigned their first homework: memorize their first Bible verse (Romans 3:23) and practice writing their names in cursive. The children have been doing their work despite the thunderous pounding from above.  I told the children that the elephants of The Heiskell School had arrived.  For several days the elephants returned and we heard the thunder above our room. We raced upstairs to find that the elephants were just Miss Judy's Pre-K children exercising in their room.  We fed them carrots and have not heard the elephants any more.